There is a lot going on throughout the week at CBC. Here you will find a brief outline about some of our ministries and weekly activities. If you have any questions please get in touch, and we will do our best to help you.

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CD Ministry

CDs are produced of all of our services for those who do not have access to our wider media ministry. Please do get in contact if you would like to avail of the CDs.



As a fellowship we are delighted to be part of this valued outreach into our community. We have been able, with the generosity of those who have faithfully contributed to our Food Bank box each week, to feed thousands of needy people in our local community. To see how God is using this outreach has been encouraging and up-lifting. We would encourage everyone to think about giving generously to this impactful service to our local community.

For more information, visit the Newtonwards Foodbank website:


GriefShare Logo

When: Friday 7:30pm - Runs annually, contact us for further details
Where: Prayer Room
Who: Anyone who has lost a loved one

GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly in a confidential, warm and caring environment. It highlights biblical concepts for healing. The group becomes an “oasis” on the long journey from mourning to joy. There are three key parts: DVD’s featuring leading grief recovery experts; the Support group and Personal Workbook.

Ladies Ministry

Special events take place on various occasions throughout the year.

Make ’n’ Do

When: Monday 10:30 - 12:30 (Sept-May)
Where: Upstairs Hall

Make ’n’ Do is a craft group that meets every Monday morning to work on making various handicrafts. This is a great way to enjoy informal fellowship and build relationships while testing out your artistic and creative abilities.

School Work

We have an active ministry in the local schools which involves taking assemblies and Scripture Union sessions. Over the years we have been able to partner with Baptist Youth and their ‘Amazing Journey’ programme. We have brought the exciting stories of the Bible to life in the local primary schools and more recently have been able to facilitate their KS2 curriculum based session; ‘#1 Bible Times Best Seller’.

Senior Sundays

When: According to Comber Churches Rota – 9 services per year
Where: Homes: Mount Alexander and Four Seasons. Sheltered Dwellings: Weir Court and Stepping Stones
Who: Residents and Tenants of the above.

A half hour service to share the Gospel in familiar scriptures, memory verses and favourite hymns with those who have never committed their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. A cherished time for believers who no longer are able to go out to church for spiritual refreshment and fellowship.

Silver Threads

When: First Wednesday of each month 2:30-4pm (October — June)
Where: Main Church
Who: Senior citizens

An informal time of fellowship with a variety of singers, speakers and other interesting guests – puppeteers, ventriloquists, flower arrangers etc, who present the Gospel in a unique and interesting way. For some who attend it is their only church connection and opportunity to hear the Gospel. Transport, tea and refreshments are provided.

UCB Prayerline


We started our partnership with UCB (United Christian Broadcasters) in 2017 and since then have had a really blessed and closer relationship with God, our heavenly Father.

We have a wonderful group of people who are keen and supportive of each other every week. God has been enabling us how to pray appropriately and respond with kindness to each caller.

Sometimes callers want to encourage and pray for us, which we appreciate very much. It is a vast and important part of many lives and shows how much need there is in the world today. God urges us to pray without ceasing. As his servants we can all do our part to please God.

For more information, visit the UCB Prayerline website